
Showing posts from September, 2024

God Bless the Good Ship Atlantis and all who sink in her!

The (waste of) Time Monster  Nietzsche said "life is a choice between suffering and boredom." He obviously never watched the Time Monster... Back in the 1980s, Doctor Who was not as good as it used to be. At least, not according to the older generation of fandom. Season 24 in particular was subject to a barrel of abuse from "the usual suspects" who opined that the series had gone downhill since 1970s. The Pertwee era in particular was held in an almost unassailable high, in comparison to Tom Baker's reign, which was three years of Hinchcliffe highs and three years of wallowing in the Williams era plus one year of him looking miserable in maroon with John Nathan Turner...  JNT came up with the infamous phrase, "The memory cheats" which did very little to quell the argument. In fact it just fed the flames of their hatred and was definitely a case of biting the hands that feed, another cliche JNT used, if memory serves me correctly.  I recently listened